This book explains with examples how the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), one of the multi-criteria decision-making methods, contributes to the Logistics and Supply Chain decision processes. After the decision criteria are determined for the decisions to be made in the logistics processes, the alternatives are compared on the basis of criteria and the result is reached. Although numerical results are deterministic, person's experience, perception and company/individual selection policies also play a role in preference. The examples in the book are from the purchasing, warehousing and distribution legs of Logistics. Undoubtedly, the AHP method can be improved with fuzzy logic and other sophisticated methods, but here, examples are presented in the context of how a selection process can be transformed into an analytical thinking process in the simplest sense, and advanced techniques that can be used are left to the reader. It is aimed to keep in mind by reconsidering the theoretical dimension for each example. Each example is handled step-by-step and supported by detailed tables before the data is entered into the sofrware.
Rima Canpolat, Ayşe İrem Erçetin, Büşra Ayşe Erşen, Melih Yeter, Ali Oğuzkan Toprakçı, Berke Çakmak, Berke Odabaş, Deniz Başaran, Simge Atlı, Burak Kulaksız, Bora Avcı, Görkem Göral, Su Kaya, İrem Çörüz, Nuri Berk Gül, Kutay Duru, Arıkan Aydınoğlu, Recep Taş, Özge Temur, Ceren Pala, Mehmet Emir Eser, Simay Koçak, Büşra Doğan, Canberk Sadullahoğlu, Oğulcan Yılmaz, Koray Bedir Küçük, Fatih Yiğithan Şentürk, Gaye Çiftçi, Onur Arlı, Melis Odabaş, Ali Haydar Yıldız, Özge Turan, Oğul Tan Atak, Özge Şenler, Cem Özel, Bora Bektaş, Ruhican Bilal, Uğur Onar, Aslıhan Sancak, Berke Alçık, İlke Yamaç, Kemal Gezici
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